Spiritual Wounds – Trauma, Testimony and the Irish Civil War


Teistiméireachtaí ó Chogadh na gCarad Clár: Introduction: The Unspeakable Irish Civil War? 1. ‘Ridding Ourselves of the Past’: Therapeutic Testimony 2. From Rest to Writing Cures: Testifying to Women’s Pain 3. Hidden in Plain Sight: Witnesses to Sexual Violence 4. ‘A Dispossessed People’: Spiritual Exiles and Exiled Emigrants 5. ‘I Killed at Least a Dozen […]

Cur síos

Teistiméireachtaí ó Chogadh na gCarad


Introduction: The Unspeakable Irish Civil War?
1. ‘Ridding Ourselves of the Past’: Therapeutic Testimony
2. From Rest to Writing Cures: Testifying to Women’s Pain
3. Hidden in Plain Sight: Witnesses to Sexual Violence
4. ‘A Dispossessed People’: Spiritual Exiles and Exiled Emigrants
5. ‘I Killed at Least a Dozen Fellow Irishmen’: Perpetrator Testimony
Afterword: Acts of Reparation

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