Tintin – An Piocardach i bPonc


Professor Proinsias Piocardach’s newest invention attracts attention from rival states Syldavia and Broduria. Both sides want to adapt his device into a deadly weapon, and kidnap the nutty professor to get at his secrets. As resourceful as ever, Tintin and Capten Haileabó go to extreme lengths to ensure Piocardach’s freedom, and persuade him that this […]


Professor Proinsias Piocardach’s newest invention attracts attention from rival states Syldavia and Broduria. Both sides want to adapt his device into a deadly weapon, and kidnap the nutty professor to get at his secrets. As resourceful as ever, Tintin and Capten Haileabó go to extreme lengths to ensure Piocardach’s freedom, and persuade him that this latest invention may be an invention too far.

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Weight .4 kg