Katfish agus Scéalta Eile


A new book by a young author whose first book, Cúpla, for a young people’s audience has been widely read and enjoyed across Ireland. This collection of short stories is connected by the thread of dealing with life’s most timeless challenges; love and hatred, growth and decay, falling and getting back up again. A shop-boy who […]



A new book by a young author whose first book, Cúpla, for a young people’s audience has been widely read and enjoyed across Ireland. This collection of short stories is connected by the thread of dealing with life’s most timeless challenges; love and hatred, growth and decay, falling and getting back up again. A shop-boy who dreams of escape, memories of a harsh Christmas, a husband who looks after his wife, even after she has passed away, the tragic death of a brother through neglect, two friends who have an exclusively online relationship and each of whom are hiding something from the other.

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